a Winning Success Style
Bill Cottringer
Bill Cottringer
“When you
win, say nothing. When you lose, say less.” ~ Paul Brown.
A person
can generally be a winner with a big dream, solid game plan on translating the
dream into reality, a good character with which to do that, a lot of hard work
doing it, virtually unlimited perseverance during adversity, and a little luck.
Of course most luck is when the efforts meet opportunity. To achieve success
and a sustainable winning style, it takes even more. Fortunately, these seven
things conveniently work together to create such a long-term, sustainable
winning success style.
practice the carpenter’s rule of good communication—they talk once and listen
twice. Those who develop a winning success style listen much more than they
talk. That is because the more they listen, the more they learn—listening to
clues in nature and listening to others’ perspectives about a situation or life
in general. The more you listen, the more you learn; the more you talk the less
you learn.
interesting thing starts to happen, the more we get outside our own head and
make the effort to get into another’s. We realize we may only have a limited
180-degree viewpoint in seeing half of what we need to be seeing, instead of a
full 360-degree view of seeing everything. Maybe that is why we were born with
two ears and only one mouth. Of course two-eared listening requires careful
hearing of both what is said or not said, and what is said and how it is said.
A winning
success style requires a major shift in perspective, which is of from self to
others. This may be our greatest challenge in developing a winning success
style—to set aside our ego when it has gotten us to most of the way to where we
want to be. And then we have to consider giving up all that we think you know,
all on our own, to learn what is really true and more useful, from others.
Being self-centered is only good to arouse our inner motivation
and is too distracting and disruptive in our thinking and practicing these
other behaviors.
successful football coach, Lou Holtz, maintained that the best way to help
ourselves win and be successful was to help others get what they want. To do
this, we have to shift our focus from what we want, to others and learn what
they want. Of course this takes more listening to others, to find this out, and
less talking about our self and our selfish agenda, which just gets in our own
way. Nothing much good happens when we are the person who needs to get out of our
own way.
Intrinsic Motivation.
When we
stop and contemplate the governing rules of life and laws of nature that seem
to persist over the long haul, it appears that right behavior of participants usually gets rewarded
and that wrong behavior gets everything else. But what we don’t
see is what is going on inside the participant to be successful in winning. It
is not getting an external reward that keeps us moving in the right direction,
but the satisfaction of an invisible internal drive. This motivational secret
was discovered quite some time ago, but oddly the idea still gets resistance.
In an
early learning experiment with monkeys, Psychologist Harry Harlow
discovered the natural superiority of internal motivation
over external motivation. One group of the monkeys was given
rewards for solving parts of a puzzle, whereas the other group was not given
any such rewards. The second group fared much better in solving the whole
puzzle, but for a newly discovered reason. These monkeys were successful in
solving the puzzle because just doing this was an inherent reward of and all by
itself. This was a major paradigm shift in understanding human motivation,
making it stronger and longer-lasting.
success comes about during interpersonal interactions with others, rather than
working alone. The level of this success has to do with the strength of the
personal connection we are making with other people. At work or sport, it is
the connection with other team members, in a marriage
with the partner and in writing or speaking with the reading or listening
is the main currency in interpersonal interactions and without a good
connection, good communication doesn’t occur. And we now know, the best
communication involves good listening. In fact, all these seven habits
work together to reinforce each other. The drive to make connections comes from
good listening, selflessness, intrinsic motivation and smart thinking; and in
turn, these connections are facilitated by the following two “C’s.”
5. Two
In shifting
from the Manufacturing Age to the Age of Information, we have seen a major
paradigm shift from a prevenient win-lose mentality to an openness of the
possibility of win-win solutions. For this shift to take hold, the two “C’s”
must become more fashionable within the other shift, from self to others. The
two “C’s” are compromise and collaboration. Without them, we will continue
having win-lose outcomes and a scarcity mentality, instead of the needed
win-win outcomes and an abundance mentality.
with the shift from the Manufacturing Age to the Information Age, came a shift
from single leadership by fiat resulting in only a few making it to the finish
line, to multiple team management, with compromises and collaboration to get
everyone to the fish line together. A winning culture—whether it be at work, in
an intimate familyDeveloping-a-winning-success-style relationship or between friends—uses
compromise and collaboration to get a variety of solutions where the team
doesn’t sacrifice anything of too much importance and gains something of
significance. This is always a win-win outcome for everyone.
6. Smart
thinking is more about using good sense, not common sense or genetic IQ. Smart
thinking comes from these other new habits
working together to purge your mind from useless common sense and downright
nonsense, to more useful good sense. The good sense is seeing what it takes to
sustain a winning success style—a winning success style of thinking. This type
of smart thinking focusses of learning what you need to know to be successful.
A major
inhibitor to smart thinking is the fear of failure. Michael Jordan, quite
possibly the most successful basketball star ever in the NBA, attributed his
success to what he learned from all his failures, like the game winning shots
he missed. This helped free his coach-ability to learn how to be more
successful from understanding about what he was doing wrong when he failed. The
same is true for Babe Ruth, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham
Centeredness. Smart thinking takes you to the best viewpoint where you need to
be to develop and maintain a winning success style. This is in the middle of
two opposing half -truths so you can appreciate the full truth of something.
Earlier Philosophers called this thinking place “the golden mean.” It is always
the best viewpoint in time and place to see in all directions—forward and
backwards, inside-out and up and down. That way you can’t miss the truth.
Now here
is a strange but welcome twist on practicing all these other six habits
in moderation. It is okay to have moments of all their opposites—being
self-centered, talking too much, over-embracing a half-truth, using what
appears to be common sense, being unconnected and alone, going for the gold or
focusing on winning at the expense of someone else losing. Your intrinsic
motivation will always bring back the good habits, sooner rather than later.
learn more from losing than winning. You learn how to keep going.” ~ Morgan
Cottringer, Ph.D. is Executive Vice President of Puget Sound Security in
Bellevue, WA, along with being a Sport Psychologist, Business Success Coach,
Photographer and Writer living on the scenic Snoqualmie River and mountains of
North Bend. He is author of several business and self-development books,
including, Re-Braining for 2000 (MJR Publishing); The Prosperity Zone
(Authorlink Press); You Can Have Your Cheese & Eat It Too (Executive
Excellence); The Bow-Wow Secrets (Wisdom Tree); Do What Matters Most and “P”
Point Management (Atlantic Book Publishers); Reality Repair, (Global Vision
Press), Reality Repair Rx (Publish America); Thoughts on Happiness; Pearl’s of
Wisdom: A Dog’s Tale. (Covenant Books, Inc.) Bill can be reached for comments
or questions at (425) 652-8067 or
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